About P.U.R.E.Report

The P.U.R.E.Report Newsletter was founded by Eric Cathey, A Texas Deathrow prisoner. The Aim is to bring you information on the conditions of imprisonment, Legal education of the Death Penalty, Social Issues within the world and a complete insight within the minds of those held captive on Texas Infamous Deathrow. This Blog site run alongs side the website www.pure-report.moonfruit.com

Saturday 11 December 2010

Editors introduction to Issue 2 of the newsletter

Greetings of Peace and Solidarity to you all.  Certainly one must begin this by giving sincere thanks to everyone who supported and contributed to our first issue of the P.U.R.E Report.  And though the production of this newsletter is still in a stage of infancy I am confident that with your continual support and contribution, we will achieve the growth and development that appeal to each of our readers. Now within the proceeding pages there are some very unique and rather compelling articles in which I believe you will find quite interesting. Indeed I am continuously amazed and inspired by all the skills and talent one has encountered behind the walls of Texas Death Row.  Now during the preparation of this particular issue, several news worthy things have occurred, For one Mr. Gayland Bradford received a stay of execution on October 7th, and his case has now been remanded back to the state level, so congratulations Mr.Bradford.  Sadly however, the State Sanctioned murder of Larry Wooton was carried out on October 21st, so our prayers goes out to his family and friends... and lets keep Cleave Foster and his loved ones in our Prayers as well. He has an execution date scheduled for January.  Now we certainly must give congratulations to Mr Anthony Graves who was released on October 27th after spending 18 years in prison for a crime he did not commit. His victory is indeed an exhilarating and inspirational experience for us all. So Anthony continue to stay strong and positive and what ever you do bro, try not to bite those fingers while enjoying those Bar B.Q ribs!  Now if you will allow me to share with you something I believe is truly extraordinary, and I will begin with a recent event that gives a good illustration on what I mean. On November 2nd the United States held the mid-term elections, where in the republican party obtained a very impressive victory.. Of course now lets bear in mind, this victory didn't occur because those in that party were such righteous representatives. This transpired because a particular power was utilized.. And simply put, their win was accomplished by the power of the people! And the issue at hand isn't about whether or not if you agree with the republican agenda or if you disagree with it, instead it's concerning the fact that people came together to achieve a common goal. So let's take a moment to ponder that phrase “The Power of the People” Infact speak that phrase out loud as you give contemplation..... The Power of the People.... The Power of the People... Can you envision how awesome this collective energy and un waving effort truly is?  Indeed each and everyone of us have the power to create unbelievable changes.. POSITIVE changes that can be beneficial to you as well as others. And it doesn't matter if you are Republican, Democrat, Tea Party supporter, Independent, Socialist or whatever your Political view may be. The Fact is: It is time to set aside our differences and strive together on a common ground to achieve a common goal.  Because the Power of the People can make a difference. And that difference can be made in any area of society, whether if its dealing with our political representatives, the fight against the death penalty, unfairness in the court system, Bigotry against gays and people of color, domestic violence or any where injustices may occur. YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE! The power of the people is truly extraordinary, so embrace that Power, Utilize that power, and endeavor earnestly to stop the division. Let's eradicate the disharmony of hate, and come together In a solidarity of love to make our society a better place in which we live.



Farylon Wardrip
Charles Chucky Mamou
Ker'sean' Ramey
Interview with Robert Garza
2nd part interview with Gayland Bradford (Continued from issue 1)
M.D. Gonzales
The late Derrick Jackson (continued from issue 1)
Abel R Ochoa
Beunka Adams.
2 articles from an anonymous contributer

And staff  writers
Eric Cathey
Tony Medina
Willie Trottie
Howard Guidry

Monday 11 October 2010

APPRECIATION WEEK- by Eric Cathey. Texas Death Row

Greetings to you All

I like to begin with a contemplative question that I hope you will sincerely meditate on. And the Question is:

Regardless of your status or situation. Have you truly developed an honest appreciation for the gift of life that you've been given?

And lets be honest with ourselves, have we made a really earnest effort to appreciate it?

Now of course there are special moments and grand occasions when the appreciation of Life will profoundly enter into our hearts. But do we embrace such appreciation each day? Naturally our journey through life sometimes keeps us busy with a host of activities and duties of daily living that distract us from taking the time to value or cherish the things within our lives or the people around us
Here recently I was reminded once again how precious yet fragile life truly is. And how much each of us should always appreciate it......

Now what caused one to reflect on this was the sudden and unfortunate deaths of two prison guards, One who sadly perished in an auto accident while the other person died during in service training... And for me this was another reminder that none of us can be certain when the angel of death will arrive to take us away. However we can be certain that we make the best out of each day in which we live, and we can begin doing that by simply endeavouring to remain positive despite the challenges that present themselves.
Furthermore, we can also take the time to show our family, friends, and loved ones how much they are appreciated, because definitely they too are a part of your life. Besides, once they are gone, the opportunity to do so will be gone too...

So now the Question is: Will you do it?

Well I challenge each of you to make an honest effort for seven days to not only take more of an appreciation for your own life, but let those within your life know how much they are appreciated, and we'll call these seven days “APPRECIATION WEEK”. Now mind you, nothing extravagant has to be conducted. But let's put forth a creative effort and make the best out of the occasion.

Because by doing so, you just may come to realise that the beauty of life is worthy of being appreciated.

Until next time, take care and strive always to remain positive.

P.U.R.E. Love
Eric Cathey Texas Death Row

Friday 17 September 2010

The P.U.R.E.Report Staff

P.U.R.E Report Staff

KAMAU P. EMERSON     ------       EDITOR
                                            ------       CO-ORDINATOR/DISTRIBUTION MINISTER
ERIC CATHEY                   ------       DISTRIBUTION ASSISTANT
MOYO NURU                   ------        STAFF WRITER


Contributing Writers for the Newsletter 1 (september 2010

M.D.Gonzales,        Derrick Jackson,           Juan Castillo

George Rivas           Beunka Adams             Derrick Charles


Editors Introduction

Now I can very well Imagine that those who encounter this Newsletter will be curious to know one particular thing. Which is:
                           “What Precisely are the goals of this Publication?”
              The P.U.R.E. Report is a collaborative endeavor of articles (poetry and artwork) produced by Death Row prisoners. Now the  name P.U.R.E in particular is an acronym which stands for:
              Now the majority of our staff are not official members of P.U.R.E. (only I and Howard Guidry are). However they are men of integrity who desire to share the goodness of what they've learned with others.
              So the subjects within our newsletter will contain various themes.  Some which will consist of topics ranging from political to spiritual, philosophical as well as legal.   Then there are those which will address historical facts, health issues, and factual scientific achievements. All of which are brought together as a collective aim to be educational, inspirational and informative, so nothing negative will be printed.
              Because I adamantly believe that through truthful (and positive) reporting it enables the reader to formulate a proper prospective on the subject being elucidated. Which in turn, may very well encourage a  person to make a change toward the betterment of their life or within their community..
              Now this newsletter is published Bi-Monthly. And all proceeds goes back into the newsletter towards creative means to make sure that you (the reader), are given the best information that I and my staff have available.
             Here at the P.U.R.E report, we believe in invigorate means, In which our best efforts are given. We do this for the people.... and those people are you.  So we gladly welcome and appreciate each and everyone's support .
            So I hope that all who read this will gain something from what is discussed within this inauguration of our newsletter.
                                                           Take Care
                                                          P.U.R.E. Love
                                                      Kamau P. Emerson